Monday, November 9, 2009

A new 7days!

That is truly how different everything looks from my perspective today!
To exercise like maniac- ( well maybe not that much) and eat very healthfully and calorically/carbohydrate friendly-- and struggle to lose even 13 lbs last year so I would be approved for this miracle surgery, and to have the weight literally "evaporating" off my frame in my first post op week is to me---CRAZY RIDICULOUS!

Before I give you my"numbers" for the week- I want to say- after watching MADMEN this morning-(I love DVRs) I am inspired to share an analogy for the purpose of helping our average sized friends "get" the agony of weight struggle.

Much like working hard, paying your dues, playing by the rules, giving it your all- at a job and then be passed over or not rightfully rewarded nor appreciated-

That is EXACTLY what is feels like to try and fight, cajole, manipulate thru exercise, low carbs , low fat, portion control, self denial ....(while those around you eat with out pause to junk everyday and never gain or very little in comparison to our gain) AND then, to have your body metabolism pass your over for promotion to the "thin side" .....well, it just ain't fair is it?

Now granted- when I was thirty and walked 3 miles a day , and ate low fat WW- I did lose 125 lbs-- but forget that! it aint gonna happen at 52 and 248 lbs (last December) no matter what!

And you wonder- well why did she put all back? ...perhaps if I had therapy back then, I would not have gone back. Very clearly I recall my physical after this loss, and I asked the Doctor" so am I thin enough now?" I weighed 147, and still didn't Win with WW- never got "full approval" as being done according to their weight chart.
Nor did I get what I hoped from my Mother- approval for being good enough after years of being the fat child in the family.
So when the Dr. pronounced me "thin enough because she could count my ribs!- that I guess was all it took and somehow slowly it all crept back.

So maybe that helps those who say to us- there is no such thing as slow metabolism, or it's willpower or whatever!

So to close today, I had a good week, I feel better everyday, less sore in the rib cage area, no exhaustion, ( quite the opposite) no dehydration, little need for tylenol all. I would say the turning point was Friday afternoon- somehow I have felt less like a surgical patient since then.

I do have to watch my level of activity because I don't have tons of resources to draw on yet.
However I am pleased anounce....drum roll please.....

8.8 lbs lost in the first week post op!

Today I am 217- down from 225.8 the morning of surgery 11/2!

I am patting myself on the proverbial back, counting my blessings and appreciating that the "BOSS" my body is finally seeing and responding to me differently, rewarding me for all those years of trial, and striving and strife.

Until next time... live large!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Sally. It is wonderful that you are able to achieve this dream. Be good and loving to yourself... accepting of yourself. I am one who has always thought you were stunningly beautiful. Your heart always shines through, no matter what you wear or weigh.

