Wednesday, December 30, 2009

For Days of Auld Lang Syne....

Yes the new year is just around the corner and I cannot wait!
2010 come on baby!
This happens to coincide with the beginning of my 3rd month post surgery. I have to be honest--I have survived the holidays- threw up some- got the sugar shakes some---but it is all behind me now! I can honestly say I have not overindulged, but rather not eaten enough, drunk enough, vitamined enough-- all the things they say---do-do-do-do-do-do!

I am not down--- but I could not seem to get in the big Christmas celebratory spirit socially because I could not imbibe, or enjoy all - or any of the goodies as the rest of my peeps. I even tried to have a bit of wine--but it just did nothing for me
I kind of feel like I have lost some of my Sally Sparkle!
That is something I hope will return soon. I love a party! I love to get "beautiful" I love to visit-- and I feel sure as I can eat a bit more normally and have a small glass of vino--- or perhaps-- "sniff sniff" some bubbly- the old me will return!

But in the mean time! I have resolved to be a text book RNY diva- and take my supplements, and ensure my continued good health in 2010. I even had a protein shake today-- first one in 2 months-- ( I went "off " them post surgery- they held no appeal).

So here I stand - feather boa in hand to say-- I made my goal of entering ONE-DERLAND- and 25 pounds lost post surgery- by Xmas day. -( I must confess I chose not to weigh on the 25th because I didn't want to be bummed out if it didn't happen)

My weight loss is slowish comparatively to other surgery peeps- but I did lose 50 lbs since last Xmas (248 lbs. - 12/2008)- I went into surgery at 225- and I am at 198 as of today.

This equates to about 3.375 lbs each week- I am content with the stable progress, and believe as impatient as I am by nature-- this is the best way for me!

I have been getting lots of support and compliments from my siblings and family whom I saw over the Holidays-- and my clothes are certainly comfy!

So folks- that is about all for now- and I hope to have good reports in a

Much Love and Best wishes to all who stop by.